Page 123 - A.Arch_kitap_22x28.indd

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Proje Yer
Project Locat on:
Proje Türü
Project Type:
Spor Yapısı
Yapım Tekn ğ
Const. Tech.:
Betonarme+Çel k
Tasarım Ek b
Des gn Team:
Alper Aksoy Erdem Dokuzer
The current sports facilities located at the Eyüp district of Istanbul were built in 1975. It was observed as a
result of the tests carried out that the tribune, sports center and accommodation unit buildings were not
resistant to earthquakes. It was scheduled to renovate the complex and to diversify its functions, make
enhancements and developments so as to establish a stronger relationship with the city and the locals
who live in the region. In this regard, tribune capacity, the number of rooms in the accommodation unit,
exercise areas was increased and an Olympic swimming pool was also included. In addition to the sports
units, education and social units were also added to increase the number of users. Because of the high
population in the project area, the car park capacity was increased so that the local public can make use
on days when there is no sports competition. Recreational areas were rearranged to make them suited for
both pedestrians and vehicles thus aiming to ensure that the public makes use of the complex e›ectively.